Thursday, March 25, 2010


One scene I would like to see performed is when Pip is in the marshes looking and reading the tombstone of his parents and his siblings, then Magwitch startles him and asks him who he is and what he's doing. Then he tells him to go get him food and a file or else he will have his friend eat his liver for dinner if he did not return and called the cops.

Another one is when Pip meets Jaggers for the first time and they talk about Pip moving to London and becoming a gentleman and all that, and Pip going to the tailor's to get some nice clothes and him meeting Trabb's boy and being sized for a suit.

And the last scene I would like to see performed is when Orlick attacks Pip from behind and tells him that he attacked his sister and it was all Pip's fault and when Trabb's boy and Herbert come to the rescue and save Pip.


  1. I like the marsh magwitch Pip scene because I think it would be very comical and easy to understand

  2. I think the scene with Orlick would be really fun to watch and preform. Very dramatic and exciting.

  3. I don't really think that the scene when Jaggers is telling Pip he is a gentleman would be all that exciting to act out, or watch. but otherwise I think your other ideas are good.
