Saturday, October 3, 2009

Outside Reading

I am reading Rebecca. So far the book is good and I hope it stays that way, throughout the whole book. I wanted to read this book because it sounded good. I read the first chapter and it was very descriptive about her dream. This book is not hard to get into because the first chapter grabs you, the fact that it is her dream and its very descriptive.
I think the major literary element of this book will be imagery because there is a lot of it so far and not alot of irony or a shift in point of view. It could change though there can be alot of irony or point of view change in the rest of the book.
The author wrote the book in this way probably because there is alot of stuff she is doing and it needs to be very descriptive. It also makes the book more interesting because you can imagen what is going on in that part.
The tone for the part that I have read is probably dramaticly nostalgic because she wants to go back to the past, so she can live in her old house, and she is homesick. The dramatic part about it is that she is very emotional about her old house and is very sad that she is not living there anymore.

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